Pura Uluwatu

Uluwatu Pura is located in the village Pecatu, Sub-district Badung Regency, Kuta, Bali, about 30 km to the south of the city Denpasar. Uluwatu Pura also called Pura Luwur is one of his Sad Kahyangan, that is the six Pura Kahyangan was considered a pillar Island spiritual bali.ada two opinion about history of the establishment of establishment Uluwatu Pura. There was an opinion that said that his was founded by Master Kuturan in the twentieth century 9, which is in the era of Marakata. Another opinion Uluwatu Pura link development with Dang Hyang Nirartha, a pedanda (priest) who came from the Kingdom Negara Daha (Kediri) in East Java. Dang Hyang Nirartha came to Bali in 1546 M, the reign of Dalem Waturenggong at the time. The Pedanda then established Uluwatu Pura on the Hill Pecatu. After traveling around spiritual Island of Bali, Dang Hyang Uluwatu Pura Nirartha back to. The temple is the Pedanda 'moksha', leaving 'the earth" (world) toward 'swargaloka' (to return to).  The ceremony or 'piodalan' day celebration so pura fell on the day Anggara Love, wuku Medangsia in the national flag. The ceremony was usually lasted for 3 days in a row and followed by thousands of people Hindu. Pura Uluwatu occupied the area in a cliff was that protruded to Pacific Indonesia with height of around 70 meters above sea level. Because it is located in the cliff, to come to the location to pretend that people must go hiking household stone that is quite high. The building pura is looking toward the east, different with pura in Bali that generally appear to the west or to the south. On the streets outside the temple there are hundreds apes, wandering around. Even though it seems benign, apes was often disturb visitors by harry food or items which dikenakan.di the way that hiking there are two at the entrance to the temple, one is located in the north and another in the south. The entrance gate are in the form be running around and made of stone. In the front gate there is a couple of human-headed elephant statue in the position stands. The wall gate before a very smooth is decorated with carvings non-patterned leaves and flowers.On the inside, at the opposite gate, there is an alley stone floors with staircase, leading to the court. Open Streets this green tree by a tree planted in the left and right aisle.the Court in the court is open. The court floor is covered by pavement which neat. Near gate, on the north side, there are wooden buildings. In the west, on both sides to check-in, there is a gate Approaching that is a way to enter the court in different.with outside gate, portal is a gate roof made of stone. The threshold of the form of the arches and is framed by the order a stone. On the lintels there are carved head giant. The top gate in is shaped like a crown and decorated with various motif carvings. Gaps between gate with the wall in right and left the court is covered by the wall that was also decorated with pahatan.di south there are small courts and protrudes is linear direction of the sea. In the end the court there was a wooden buildings that look like the place of the sat down to see the seas. Since, Uluwatu Pura dibanunannya has many times to undergo restoration work. Even around the year 1999, the building pura were from lightning struck burned.
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