The Tomb of Syiah Kuala

The tomb of Syiah Kuala this is where the funeral of one of the great scholars in Banda Aceh was instrumental in his Dawah to spread Islam in the province of Naggroe Aceh Darussalam in 1591, or about the year 1001 Ce.He died at an early age had reached 105 years, that event happened on Sunday night in the year 1696 gone, or rather on the 23rd Shawwāl 1106 Hijri if the count based on years of Islam.The pilgrims who came not only originating from the region of Aceh or other provinces in the country of the Republic of Indonesia, because some of the residents who live in the country that the majority of the inhabitants are Muslim also come for pilgrimage, among others are Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Saudi, Turkey, Pakistan, and several other Asian countries.
In fact, there are also intentionally came from European countries such as Poland. So that's the rumor emerged that said that people who live outside of Aceh have yet to calm his life if he did not come to make a pilgrimage to the tomb of Syiah Kuala.
Many of the pilgrims who came to visit the site of the tomb of Syiah Kuala this with their respective objectives which certainly did indeed vary, for example, the pilgrims who came from abroad, they came to pray and berzikir in the area of the tomb of Syiah Kuala.
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