President's Mansion Tampaksiring

Tampak Siring Palace which is located in Gianyar Regency, Bali Province, is the only Presidential Palace that was built after the Indonesian Independence. Five other palace is building that has existed since the era, among others colonial Dutch State Palace and Independence (Jakarta) Palace, the Presidential Palace in Bogor (Bogor), the Palace Cipanas (Cipanas), and Building Supreme Court of Justice (Yogyakarta).  The Palace Tampak Siring is usually used by the president, held a meeting for rest, as well as negotiating abroad. On April 27, 2007, for example, the Palace Tampak Siring to witness an extradition treaty between Indonesia and Singapore.
Name Tampak Siring came from two words in Balinese, namely looks and siring which means, "telapak" and "crazy!" The naming was closely related to local legend of the King Mayadenawa. This King known well-versed and sakti mandraguna. But, because kelancangannya lift themselves as the gods that must be worshipped by the people, then an army Betara Indra sent to invade the King Mayadenawa. The attack was made Mayadenawa fled into the forest. To disguise their tracks, Mayadenawa intentionally walk on how to decline their paws.
But unfortunately, business Mayadenawa to circumvent an army Betara Indra fails, their tracks finally known. With the remnants kesaktiannya, King Mayadenawa tried to resist by creating water poisoned can kill the were. To cope with serious consequences from the springs toxic, Betara water source Indra created his pacification, namely Tirta Empul (the sacred water).  The fugitive King Mayadenawa is now known as Tampak Siring.
The Palace Tampak Siring built by an architect named R. M. Succeed bring into contact with the initiative President Soekarno. Presidential palace Development is divided into two days, namely in 1957 and 1963. At the end of 1957, in the complex built Wisma Free and Wisma Yudhistira. While at the end of 1963, second phase of the development completed two other main building, the House of the country and Wisma Bima, and one Multipurpose Building (gedung conference).
The Palace Tampak Siring built in hilly area with high altitudes of about 700 meters above sea level (DPLs).  The tourists visiting this place to witness history and function historical building that was used by the president of the Republic of Indonesia. At Wisma Independence that has wide 1,200 m2, for example, a visitor can see a Bedroom I and II President, sleeping room Sleeping room family, guest room, and Work space to structure that is beautiful. In this building tourists can also see other types of decorations statue and painting a choice.
Meanwhile, in the Wisma country, the tourists can see a building with area of approximately 1,476 m2 that is the building to entertain the guests country. Between Wisma Free and Wisma country there is a huge gap as deep as 15 meters that separate the two homeless. Therefore, built a bridge over the 40 meters in width 1.5 meters in order to connect two homeless. Guests is usually will go through this bridge to go to the State, so that the flyover is also known by the name of friendship. The guest of honor that had passed the bridge is, among other things, the Emperor would Hirihito from Japan, the President Tito of Yugoslavia, Ho Chi Minh from Vietnam, and Queen Juliana of Nederland.
Wisma Yudhistira is a place to stay the group presidencies and a group of visitors country. Wisma which is located in the center of the complex Tampak Siring Palace this area of approximately 1,825 m2. While Staying at Wisma Bima with the building around 2,000 m2 is usually used as a resting place the guards president and the guards guests country. Other building that is not less important are the building Conference. This building is deliberately built for financing a cabinet meeting, a dinner guests state, and these conferences important, such as Conference (KTT) ASEAN XIV which was held on 7-October 8, 2003 years ago.

Still in the region this palace, tourists can also enjoy other tourism objects which were well known on the island of Bali, namely Pura Tampak Siring who was exactly under the Palace Tampak Siring. Pura is also known by the name Pura Tirta Empul because in his eyes there are a source holy water ("tirta empul").  
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